Kindred Spirits
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Hello from a new member Empty Hello from a new member

Sun 6 May 2018 - 12:05
Hi there everyone,

After exchanging quite a few emails with and friending the lovely Jane Doe (Janet Dowey on FB), she informed me that allies are welcome to the Kindred Spirits forum, and that an introductory post from new members is preferred. Here goes then.
As I say, I’m here as an ally and am not in a consanguinamorous relationship. In fact I admit that only a year or so ago my default reaction to the idea of ACI (adult consensual incest) was unfortunately among the most common of reactions. However, even then I did not understand why the law would literally put people in jail (next to surely far more dangerous criminals than they) purely for an adult consensual relationship; that just seemed disproportionately harsh to me.
Then the more I learned about the reality of consanguinamory, it lifted the veil of society’s prejudice and I realised just how inaccurate such internalised assumptions were in most cases, and that the real face of consanguinamory is not the nightmare everyone else thinks it is.
I did initially tread with caution, though also made sure my questions to Jane Doe were as respectful as possible. Now, after speaking to her, hearing her podcasts, and reading up on real-life accounts, I actually find it very sad that in this day and age most countries will prosecute, imprison and forcibly remove the children from people, simply for - no matter how the Law slices it - being in love.
Equally grim are the shockingly immature, insensitive and wilfully ignorant online comments I’ve seen from people, such as for example, on the YouTube upload of ‘The Last Taboo’, a documentary exploring the subject of GSA and those experiencing it.
Apologies if this introductory post is a little on the long side. I’ll wrap it up with basically a big thank you to Jane Doe for her excellent blog and essays on Consanguinamory Wordpress (demonstrably a labour of love in itself), and for her tireless work on this forum and in supporting those in the consanguinamory community.
Best wishes and kind regards to everybody.
Posts : 6867
Join date : 2017-12-02
Age : 65
Location : North of Regular, south of Consang

Hello from a new member Empty Re: Hello from a new member

Sun 6 May 2018 - 12:47
Hi, NorthernAlly,

Welcome to Kindred Spirits.

Yep, Jane is a wonder worker in that regard. I know she made a huge difference in my experience here, and I owe her a lot too.

You’re a rare person who’s willing to look at their own prejudices and overcome them. And we can always use more allies.

We’ll just need you to confirm for us that you’re 18 or older and then we can upgrade you to full membership. Please follow up here with that confirmation, or PM Jane, me, or any of the other mods or admins, and you’ll be good to go.


Every now and then, an ally can say a few words, the right words, and change someone’s life for the better.

Hello from a new member Empty Re: Hello from a new member

Sun 6 May 2018 - 15:21
I was born in 1980, so yes, absolutely over 18 years old. I will send a quick email to Jane too, just to let her know I’ve signed up here. I’m FB friends with her as well so she can also confirm if needs be.
Thank you.
Posts : 3000
Join date : 2016-04-15

Hello from a new member Empty Re: Hello from a new member

Sun 6 May 2018 - 15:46

I blog to support the right of all adults to share love, sex, residence, and marriage:

Hello from a new member Empty Re: Hello from a new member

Sun 6 May 2018 - 16:32
Thank you. Smile
Posts : 6867
Join date : 2017-12-02
Age : 65
Location : North of Regular, south of Consang

Hello from a new member Empty Re: Hello from a new member

Sun 6 May 2018 - 20:26
OK, I’ve added you to the Introduced group. Thanks for the confirmation, and enjoy the forum!


Every now and then, an ally can say a few words, the right words, and change someone’s life for the better.
Jane Doe
Jane Doe
Posts : 2615
Join date : 2016-04-14
Location : UK

Hello from a new member Empty Re: Hello from a new member

Sun 6 May 2018 - 22:03
Yes, I got your e-mail. Nice to have you with us, welcome aboard Smile

Hello from a new member Empty Re: Hello from a new member

Mon 7 May 2018 - 5:52
Cheers Jane! x
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