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A Cure for Ciaophobia? Empty A Cure for Ciaophobia?

Tue 16 Feb 2021 - 23:43
Treatment for Ciaoophobia

Ciaophobia: Fear of Ciao people and How to Overcome It

Scared of people in consensual adult incest oriented (CIAO) relationships? Scared of CIAO people? You really can't stand them? They disgust you? You hate them to death, right? There might be an evolutionary explanation. Learn more about the causes of your fear as well as how to get rid of Ciaophobia.

Ciaophobia: Definition, Causes, Signs & Symptoms, Treatment

Some five out of 100 people in the United States have one or more phobias, with women slightly more likely to develop one than men. One of the most common phobias is Ciaophobia, a debilitating fear of Ciao people.

Ciaophobia Definition:

Ciaophobia comes from the acronym CIAO which stands for Consensual Adult Incest Orientation and “phobos,” the Greek word for fear. This extreme fear of Ciao people may actually be an evolutionary response: Ciao people, specifically those who have been labelled as criminals and subjected to painful deaths, jail sentences and social ostracism often leading to poverty and early death, have long been falsely linked with birth defects, mental retardation, other illnesses, disability and premature death.

“We know many Ciao people are charged with incest, socially stigmatized, jailed, and have their children taken from them for adoption and we know this from direct experience, science, biology, TV, and seeing their stories in newspapers and on the internet. “Therefore, when we see a CIAO person near us, a natural response is to feel fear and avoid them. Even the mention of the word 'incest', triggers an emotional response and anxiety.”
In many people, the fear of Ciao people elicits a “disgust response,” People with severe Ciaophobia have such an extreme aversion to Ciao people that they may be afraid to go to family gatherings in case they meet a CIAO relative. If they encounter a CIAO person, they may actually leave the house (sometimes even the state) rather than face dealing with someone who they feel disgusted with.

“When it causes such anxiety that it stops us from participating in normal activities that we want or need to do, or manifests itself in such a way that it can be physically and mentally debilitating, we know our fear of Ciao people has become irrational.”

Causes of Ciaophobia

As with other phobias, Ciaophobia can develop in a person because he or she sees and imitates the reaction to Ciao people of others with the phobia. For them, it’s a learned response—it makes an impression when they see a news story about a family member who is arrested for having a relationship with another family member and they are both sent to jail. This quite often happens after a doctor or nurse reports to police that a new born child (sometimes because it has a birth defect) had parents from the same family. ( Homozygous genes is a genetic condition where an individual inherits the same alleles for a particular gene from both parents.). Some experts theorize that a fear of Ciao people is influenced by one’s cultural background. In certain areas of the world, particularly in places where people are poor and under-educated and places where there is much religious bigotry and superstition, Ciao people are feared, but in many places in Europe where Ciao people are not criminalized or jailed, people may be unafraid of them.

If you have had a traumatic experience involving a CIAO person, for instance an unwanted and uninvited sexual advance, chances are that you will be more likely to develop Ciaophobia.

Ciaophobia Symptoms

Symptoms of Ciaophobia can appear in early adulthood. It may be the result of a personal experience of childhood sexual abuse by an older family member or relative or being aware of such abuse of another person. The typical symptoms are:

Trembling and sweating
Feelings of losing control
Rapid heart rate
Hot or cold flashes
Chest pain
Feeling of choking
Nausea or other gastrointestinal distress
Feeling of extreme fear, hatred and disgust for CIao people and an immediate desire to destroy or punish them with a view to destroying all of their kind.

Treatments for Ciaophobia

Often, a combination of counseling and medication may be used to treat Ciaophobia. Relaxation techniques such as meditation also can be helpful in the treatment of Ciaophobia.

As with other phobias, Ciaophobia can be treated with exposure therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). In cognitive behavioral therapy, the therapist tries to replace the negative automatic thoughts associated with Ciao people with more rational thoughts. A therapist may use systemic desensitization to treat Ciaophobia. “This is the method of learning relaxation techniques and then confronting our fears from what we fear the least to what we fear the most.”

With cognitive reframing, a person can learn to change the way her or she looks at Ciao people so that they no longer perceive them as disgusting and dangerous. Eventually, a person can change her physical reaction to seeing a CIAO person.

Sometimes, an antidepressant or an anti-anxiety medication may be prescribed as a way to combat Ciaophobia. . And some individuals with Ciaophobia get help from virtual reality therapy, in which they are exposed to virtual representations of Ciao people. This may be just as effective as the older technique of gradually exposing the individual to living Ciao people, some research shows.

Overcome Your Fear

Read up on Ciao people. You will learn that they very rarely hurt anyone unless they are threatened. Occasionally, a CIAO person does go mad, usually they are suffering from the effects of social isolation and threats of being jailed or the threatened loss of a loved one which can make them have a psychotic episode, and psychotic people can be quite dangerous to themselves and to others. But while attacks by psychotic Ciao people, as from other sick people might be dangerous, they are extremely rare and most CIAO people are quite harmless. In fact, most CIAO people are rather shy and just want to be left alone and treated with the same respect we give to all citizens who are not hurting anyone.

Keep in mind. Ciao people in general—and this includes those who will fight in self defence when cornered or trapped and threatened with prison and or losing a loved one, are estimated to make up more than 2% of the world population so make up about 140 million people and are everywhere! But few or them are more dangerous than you or I.

You don't need to steer clear of Ciao people: they are harmless and won't hurt you unless you threaten them. If you are friendly towards them, they will likely be friendly towards you in return. There are no guarantees because everyone is different. But when you are friendly towards CIAO people, you no longer have Ciaophobia.

Discuss your fear of Ciao people with your loved ones and tell them you are getting treatment for your condition. Ask your health care provider to recommend a professional who can help you overcome your Ciaophobia.

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