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New Ukraine petition (Ukrainian  and English)  Empty New Ukraine petition (Ukrainian and English)

Sun 27 Mar 2022 - 21:55
Here is a new Ukraine petition, with both English and Ukrainian this time:

Please sign it and pass it on to others, post to social media etc. If you find any errors, please let me know.


New Ukraine petition (Ukrainian  and English)  Empty Re: New Ukraine petition (Ukrainian and English)

Fri 1 Apr 2022 - 10:35
Mhmmmm. Not sure if ukranian authorities may be able to handle the request due the... ehm... hard times Ukraine is having. But oh well, I signed
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New Ukraine petition (Ukrainian  and English)  Empty Re: New Ukraine petition (Ukrainian and English)

Fri 1 Apr 2022 - 17:02
Thank you Corny R. I will probably take a while before we get 10,000 signers. Hopefully things have cooled down a lot before the petition is presented. Fingers crossed! Best
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New Ukraine petition (Ukrainian  and English)  Empty Re: New Ukraine petition (Ukrainian and English)

Sun 3 Apr 2022 - 15:42
Given Maslow’s needs, I think the Ukrainians are about three steps from giving this full consideration. I support all consensual adult relationships. I was just curious how others felt.

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New Ukraine petition (Ukrainian  and English)  Empty Re: New Ukraine petition (Ukrainian and English)

Mon 4 Apr 2022 - 6:07
The petition is not restricted to only Ukrainians, so anyone in the world can sign it. The is no time limit, except perhaps the author's expiry date. Hopefully that is not too soon:-) Best!
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New Ukraine petition (Ukrainian  and English)  Empty Re: New Ukraine petition (Ukrainian and English)

Mon 2 Oct 2023 - 4:49
I just tried the link to the Ukraine petition, but it failed. Sabotage perhaps??

I'm not sure if ukranian authorities may be able to handle a signed petition at this time.
(Apparently they need 28,000 signatures before the leader will look at it, so we have time.

They have been busy trying to get gay marriage legalized apparently.

The whole thing is worth reading, but here is what seems the besy part to me.

"2022 petition calling for equal rights
On 3 June 2022, an online petition was launched on the official website of the President of Ukraine calling for the legalization of same-sex marriage. Citing the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the text of the petition stated: "At this time, every day may be the last. Let people of the same sex have the opportunity to start a family and have an official document confirming this. They need the same rights as traditional couples." Oksana Solonska, the media communications manager of Kyiv Pride, said, "It is important that LGBTQ people have the right to see their partner and take their body from the morgue, and seek compensation if needed. All married couples have these rights. We really hope that same-sex marriage will be legalised, so people will be able to take care of each other." The petition quickly gained signatures, and by 13 July, the petition had gathered more than 28,000 signatures. Any petitions that gather more than 25,000 signatures automatically trigger the president's consideration.[19]

On 2 August 2022, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy issued an official response to the petition. Zelenskyy said it would be impossible to legalize same-sex marriage without an amendment to the Constitution of Ukraine, and that "[t]he Constitution of Ukraine cannot be changed during martial law or a state of emergency". "The Family Code of Ukraine defines that the family is the primary and main unit of society. A family consists of persons who live together, are connected by common life, have mutual rights and obligations. According to the Constitution of Ukraine, marriage is based on the free consent of a woman and a man (Article 51).",[3] Zelenskyy wrote. However, Zelenskyy said that his government would work on a bill to legalize civil partnerships in Ukraine. "In the modern world, the level of democratic society is measured, among other things, through state policy aimed at ensuring equal rights for all citizens. Every citizen is an inseparable part of civil society, he is entitled to all the rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution of Ukraine. All people are free and equal in their dignity and rights."[20] He called on Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal to address the issue.[21] Shmyhal instructed the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Social Policy to consider the issues raised in the petition. Ukraine is obliged under the European Court of Human Rights' ruling in Fedotova and Others v. Russia to provide legal recognition to same-sex couples.[22]

As I see it, both ACI and homosexuality are legal in Ukraine already, as in Russia, China, Japan, both Koreas, Philippines, Turkey, Israel.
Why not let people of all sexes and orientations have the opportunity to start a family and have an official document confirming this and let them have associated rights:
rights to inheritance, hospital visitations, to make medical decisions for an ill partner
rights and benefits of marriage, including property rights, maintenance, spousal privileges,
rights to joint matrimonial property, the right to inheritance by law, the right to refuse to testify against one another, the right to adoption, and the right to social assistance and benefits for low-income families.

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New Ukraine petition (Ukrainian  and English)  Empty Re: New Ukraine petition (Ukrainian and English)

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