Kindred Spirits
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Erica 1775
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Join date : 2017-08-17
Age : 55

Children - Hello, I hope parents of LGBT+ children are welcome :) Empty Hello, I hope parents of LGBT+ children are welcome :)

Thu 17 Aug 2017 - 2:22
My name is Erica and I've been involved with my daughter for four years now.

My daughter was actually born with a male body, but we all knew it wasn't right for her by the time she was in middle school, and she's been transitioning since puberty with hormones but no surgeries yet. When she was in high school she was living full time as her female self but having really terrible body dysphoria. One night I found her self harming her genitals. We both cried, we told her therapist, they suggested that anything we could do to help her feel feminine would help. She was already dressing and I'd taught her my limited knowledge of makeup years before, so I just told her that anything she could think of I'd do.

My husband passed away later that year and it took a real roll on our family unit but we made it through. It actually brought my daughter and I even closer than we were before, and she one day asked me to help her learn to shave her privates. Having male genitals was bad enough but apparently she had cut herself and gotten bad irritation from shaving and just didn't have anyone else to ask, which makes sense, so I helped.

One thing led to another and I ended up stroking her to orgasm with the shaving cream. She fell apart and cried in my arms after, telling me she hadn't had the heart to touch herself like that in years and she was so frustrated by it and repulsed but I had made her feel so good. So I kept doing it. Every couple days I would shave her and bring her to climax again. It was like our special little routine and we both loved it so much so it became a daily thing. Then it turned into me getting her off when I wasn't shaving her. Then I used my mouth. Two months ago we had sex for the first time and it was heavenly...

I'm sorry I didn't mean for this to be so long but here I am and that's how I got here
Jane Doe
Jane Doe
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Children - Hello, I hope parents of LGBT+ children are welcome :) Empty Re: Hello, I hope parents of LGBT+ children are welcome :)

Thu 17 Aug 2017 - 20:25
LGBT people are certainly welcome here, but could you please state your ages and confirm that there was no sexual contact before your daughter turned 18. We have to be pretty strict about the rules in order to keep the morality and standards around here, because we don't condone anything underage for obvious reasons. If you can confirm that, then I will be happy to upgrade you, thanks Smile
Erica 1775
Posts : 4
Join date : 2017-08-17
Age : 55

Children - Hello, I hope parents of LGBT+ children are welcome :) Empty Re: Hello, I hope parents of LGBT+ children are welcome :)

Thu 17 Aug 2017 - 20:48
Oh, I apologise! My daughter was a senior in high school she was 18. I was 44 the time it began
Jane Doe
Jane Doe
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Children - Hello, I hope parents of LGBT+ children are welcome :) Empty Re: Hello, I hope parents of LGBT+ children are welcome :)

Thu 17 Aug 2017 - 20:50
In which case welcome aboard, I've just upgraded you Smile
Erica 1775
Posts : 4
Join date : 2017-08-17
Age : 55

Children - Hello, I hope parents of LGBT+ children are welcome :) Empty Re: Hello, I hope parents of LGBT+ children are welcome :)

Thu 17 Aug 2017 - 20:54
Lovely thank you Smile
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Children - Hello, I hope parents of LGBT+ children are welcome :) Empty Re: Hello, I hope parents of LGBT+ children are welcome :)

Fri 18 Aug 2017 - 16:25
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Sat 19 Aug 2017 - 14:07
Welcome. I'm curious as to whether or not your new found relationship has affected your daughters feelings about herself. You mentioned that she was repulsed by the idea of masturbation. Is that still the case? I can't imagine the inner conflict of being a woman but having sex as a man. I know from my own experience that your relationship will bring you so much closer and build on that bond between you two.
Erica 1775
Posts : 4
Join date : 2017-08-17
Age : 55

Children - Hello, I hope parents of LGBT+ children are welcome :) Empty Re: Hello, I hope parents of LGBT+ children are welcome :)

Sat 19 Aug 2017 - 23:13

It was pretty rocky for a while, she craved the release but didn't even want to look at herself while I was masturbating her. She would turn her head and just lay quiet until it was over, at which point she would usually cry in my arms again. It was something she needed, physically and emotionally, but she just wasn't able to get past the dysmorphia and body hatred. There came a particularly stressful period for her the year after high school where she was asking me to get her off basically three or four times a day. Her HRT dosage had just been increased and it was driving her crazy in terms of her sex drive and frustration and she basically couldn't focus on anything sometimes. I used lubricant and a gentle touch and was very careful, but she still started getting raw and sore and so one time I asked her if I should use my mouth. She agreed and I did and afterwards she told me that was the first time she had ever felt "good" about having male parts. The way she described it, it was like finally being shown that her body can feel really good things just out of desire for pleasure and not because of biological/hormonal urges that have to be quieted down, so I started doing it that way for her every time and over a couple of months she seemed to go from hating her parts to enjoying using them even though she still wished she had female genitals.

As I talked about in my initial post, two months ago we had sex for the first time. I had just gotten her off with my mouth and we were laying together and I was telling her how beautiful she is and how proud I am of her, and how strong and feminine she is and she got aroused again and asked me to take her in my mouth. I asked if she would rather try sex and she was like "YES!" before I really even got the words out, ha. We talked a bit about it, and we were both kind of unsure how she would react, doing something so masculine, but we agreed we both wanted to try it. It was incredible. I've had my tubes tied for years now so she went in me bare, and I held her and coached her and comforted her and told her again how beautiful she is and I was saying something like "I couldn't ask for a more beautiful and amazing daughter" and her face just turned beet red with arousal and she got really into it. It was a deeply erotic change to see happen in her and I just held her and let her thrust into me however she wanted until she came in me. She cried again after her orgasm and I held her close until she went soft inside me. We talked about it many times and it was something that once again helped her feel in touch with her body. We've been reading a lot about how other trans people approach their bodies and we've changed our language and I've started helping her wax herself instead of shaving and it's all actually gone a long way to helping her feel feminine in spite of her physical attributes
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Sun 20 Aug 2017 - 14:32
I commend you for your support and helping her through her transition and everything that has come along with it. It's good that she can separate meeting physical desires, even as a man, from her deeper, more emotional needs as a woman. Are there any plans for re-assignment surgery yet?
I noticed that you didn't mention any dealing with the incest taboo that a lot of people have to overcome. Is that something you had already dealt with or, as with my own experience, you just didn't care about it? The the needs of the relationship are greater than some outmoded, archaic societal "standard of conduct".
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Children - Hello, I hope parents of LGBT+ children are welcome :) Empty Re: Hello, I hope parents of LGBT+ children are welcome :)

Tue 22 Aug 2017 - 17:02
This is actually a really beautiful thing. Youve given her a comfort that no one could ever provide. Honestly, you deserve mom of the year every aspect youve been nothing but supportive and loving. Welcome aboard! Smile
Jane Doe
Jane Doe
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Children - Hello, I hope parents of LGBT+ children are welcome :) Empty Re: Hello, I hope parents of LGBT+ children are welcome :)

Wed 23 Aug 2017 - 1:27
Erica, from the sound of it, you two have an amazing relatioship based on love and understanding, Love transcends things like gender, and the fact you're making her feel comfortable despite being born male is a beautiful thing. Seriously, what you're doing for her is nothing short of amazing and I think it's beautiful. Is she planning on gender re-assignment surgery in the future or is she perhaps thinking of keeping her body the way it is? Having a penis does not make her any less a woman, because gender and biological sex are two different things. I mean, most people have the genitals which match their gender, but that doesn't always happen and some biological males are women, and some biological females are guys. She may be born male, but she is a woman, and from the looks of it, a consang lesbian woman. There is no shame in that and she should fully embrace who she truly is. She is also welcome to join this forum if she wants to, she will find nothing but love and acceptance here.
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Children - Hello, I hope parents of LGBT+ children are welcome :) Empty Re: Hello, I hope parents of LGBT+ children are welcome :)

Sat 26 Aug 2017 - 20:44
I just joined recently myself, reading through the various posts, and when I got to your introduction, and follow-up posts, I was amazed and inspired by your story. Wow, what beautiful demonstration of motherly love! I wish all the best to you and your daughter as you both navigate her transition together, and as your relationship with each other continues to unfold.
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Children - Hello, I hope parents of LGBT+ children are welcome :) Empty Re: Hello, I hope parents of LGBT+ children are welcome :)

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