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A fake ally with a conscience

Jane Doe
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Jane Doe
Jane Doe
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Ally - A fake ally with a conscience Empty A fake ally with a conscience

Tue 24 Oct 2017 - 22:31
Well guys, here we go again.

Let me back up and start from the beginning. Some of you will remember the poster Swaraj Lade, he wasn't around on the forums much, but he would sometimes send me e-mails to see how things were going and he seemed to be a genuine ally. As of late, me and him were planning on using his musical skill in conjunction with my ability to write poems in order for us to make some songs for the community. All seemed fine. Then I recieve a bombshell in my inbox this evening:

Dear Jane,

Hope you are well.

I dont not know how to put this but I just want to set this straight now. I am a fake person.
I am not an ally of this cause or community and I did all that I did because I was caught in a fetish of incest porn.
I deeply regret that not only did I act very selfishly but I also was very dishonest with you and cheated you.
Tonight I felt guilty about what I was doing and so I just decided to stop doing all this.

Jane, please forgive me for being dishonest with you all this time. I hope I never indulge in such thing ever again.
And I humbly request you to kindly take me out of the forum also. I'm shutting down this mail account also.

Please forgive me for my misbehaviour. Thank you.

Your truly,
Lade Swaraj

I've deleted his account as he requested of course, but what makes this all the more extraordinary is that only a few short weeks ago, he said this in another e-mail:

The recently discovery of Nicky3000 and another related profile as fake was sad. I hope the strict actions done against them will weed out other such profiles too.

At this point I feel annoyed, frustrated, disappointed, and once more like I've been led up the garden path. I don't know if he originally intended to get so involved, probably not. I'm glad he came clean and decided to stop wasting my time, and I hope he learned something from this experience, both in terms of what REAL consang people have to go through to get by in the world, and that it's wrong to string people along like that. Had he have not come forward with his confession, I would never have even suspected. I guess that's just the way it goes sometimes, but it's not good when you consider somebody a friend, however loosely.

I just want everyone to be aware, this type of thing can happen to anyone, even me. It doesn't mean you're stupid for not realizing, it just means that some people will go to great lengths to be convincing enough in the creation of their online persona, usually for some form of gratification, sexual or otherwise. We should all remain vigilant, while at the same time not allowing that vigilance to destroy what we have here in the community, it's a delicate balance, but it can be done.


Last edited by Jane Doe on Sat 9 Dec 2017 - 22:20; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Old news)
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Ally - A fake ally with a conscience Empty Re: A fake ally with a conscience

Wed 25 Oct 2017 - 12:11
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Thanks, Jane.

There are many places where people who're just into a fetish can go. I'm glad he explained himself.
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Ally - A fake ally with a conscience Empty Re: A fake ally with a conscience

Wed 25 Oct 2017 - 14:08
amazed they stick around considering this isn't a get your rocks off kind of site.

Ally - A fake ally with a conscience Empty Re: A fake ally with a conscience

Thu 26 Oct 2017 - 7:50
it only makes me sad. some of us have real hard times to cope with real regular life and our forbitten emotions. still some can missbehave like in an actors studio working different roles.
reading nicki never found the slightest flaw in her writings.
i think what we cultivate in our secret garden here, will go on as none of us thinks to let some sporadic disappointment put us down. we have a long way and we will continue.
come on jane doe! are you writing something good (as always)? when shall we see it?
it is difficult for me to visit more often.
love, hugs to all.

Ally - A fake ally with a conscience Empty Re: A fake ally with a conscience

Thu 26 Oct 2017 - 7:55
just in case someone is interested and wants to visit me, i am here:
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Ally - A fake ally with a conscience Empty Re: A fake ally with a conscience

Thu 26 Oct 2017 - 17:35
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
wow never would have guessed that.

Ally - A fake ally with a conscience Empty Re: A fake ally with a conscience

Thu 26 Oct 2017 - 20:06
Very Happy

Ally - A fake ally with a conscience Empty Re: A fake ally with a conscience

Thu 26 Oct 2017 - 22:19
Every man makes mistakes, but few admit it and apologize for it. It takes introspection, conscience and balls to do it.

I salute him.
Jane Doe
Jane Doe
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Ally - A fake ally with a conscience Empty Re: A fake ally with a conscience

Sat 28 Oct 2017 - 0:42
Quad, I agree with you. I only posted this for the benefit of anyone else who had become friends with this person.
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Ally - A fake ally with a conscience Empty Re: A fake ally with a conscience

Sat 28 Oct 2017 - 7:53
Thank you for posting this. I also appreciate him resolving this himself. Hopefully he's learned something from his experience.
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Ally - A fake ally with a conscience Empty Re: A fake ally with a conscience

Sun 25 Feb 2018 - 19:21
Message reputation : 100% (2 votes)

Sorry for joining this thread so late, but I too have already come across a handful of posers on this board. For me, I have just passed it off as the price for doing business… meaning that it will always happen. I can’t tell you how many posers I’ve come across in all the years of writing my Consang stories. Some are just so convincing, so believable.

For me, my sniff test is time invested, and thoughtful and meaningful conversation about topics OTHER than Consang.

- Kirok
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Ally - A fake ally with a conscience Empty Re: A fake ally with a conscience

Sun 25 Feb 2018 - 22:17
Speculation, and I know nothing of this other than the post I have just read, but it sounds to me like a family member or S.O. stumbled across this person's connection to this site and freaked out. I suspect the sent e-mail was part of the "conditions" set by whatever person discovered them.

I had a guild leader in WoW who apparently was not just flirty but had gotten romantically involved with at least one guildie. Too keep her marriage when her husband found out, she had to completely remove herself from the community.

Like I said, I could be wrong - but it seems a plausible explanation - more plausible to me than the one given.
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Ally - A fake ally with a conscience Empty Re: A fake ally with a conscience

Mon 26 Feb 2018 - 0:44
Good point. Certainly possible.

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Ally - A fake ally with a conscience Empty Re: A fake ally with a conscience

Mon 26 Feb 2018 - 1:38
Kirok wrote:For me, my sniff test is time invested, and thoughtful and meaningful conversation about topics OTHER than Consang.

That’s a good sniff test, Kirok. I’ve run into a lot of fakes and trolls too over the years.


Every now and then, an ally can say a few words, the right words, and change someone’s life for the better.
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Ally - A fake ally with a conscience Empty Re: A fake ally with a conscience

Mon 26 Feb 2018 - 1:50
Magick that's definitely possible, and without knowing more very reasonable too.
Personally, I believe Swaraj's email wasn't coerced. His possible dishonesty was on my mind when I wrote my post about Nicky3000, and I'd hoped he (or others) would see how what she did was wrong & learn from it. He mentions Nicky in his email to Jane, so I think he did. But we can't know for sure. Maybe he was pressured into leaving.
He could've chosen to stay silent. I'm grateful he didn't, though I wish he'd have spoken with me about it before leaving. He made a mistake, but he admitted it. Hopefully he's learned good things from us, while he was here.
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Ally - A fake ally with a conscience Empty Re: A fake ally with a conscience

Wed 28 Feb 2018 - 4:33
Ah, well yes, if there's a lot of history that I'm missing that explains it more thoroughly, then my suppositions could be quite unfounded.
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