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Join date : 2022-02-18
Age : 27

Introduction: A young son that wants to love his mother more Empty Introduction: A young son that wants to love his mother more

Fri 18 Feb 2022 - 20:43
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Hi all

I'm a 25 year old male who has feelings for his 52 year mother. I have felt this way towards her for a long time, but I don't know how to get her to understand that it isn't so wrong. I have told her how I feel, and she understood that it's okay for me to feel that way, however she says it's wrong for a mother and son to be intimate with each other. I feel that I can convince her otherwise, I just don't know how to go about it.

Thank you.

Rick Fortune, Oedipus, Unowen17, Hope1079, Scandinaviaincest, Brenda and isabelclaud like this post

Posts : 14
Join date : 2022-02-18
Age : 27

Introduction: A young son that wants to love his mother more Empty Re: Introduction: A young son that wants to love his mother more

Fri 18 Feb 2022 - 21:21
Could anyone please assist me?
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Introduction: A young son that wants to love his mother more Empty Re: Introduction: A young son that wants to love his mother more

Fri 18 Feb 2022 - 21:50
Hi, IWMML79, welcome to Kindred Spirits. I’ve upgraded your account.

We’ll try to help you. Please let us know more about your situation in the members-only Non-GSA forum.

Stay safe,

Every now and then, an ally can say a few words, the right words, and change someone’s life for the better.

FullMarriageEquality, wiccanbiker, iwantmymotherslove79 and isabelclaud like this post

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Introduction: A young son that wants to love his mother more Empty Re: Introduction: A young son that wants to love his mother more

Sat 19 Feb 2022 - 15:42
Welcome aboard!

I blog to support the right of all adults to share love, sex, residence, and marriage:
Rick Fortune
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Introduction: A young son that wants to love his mother more Empty Re: Introduction: A young son that wants to love his mother more

Mon 21 Feb 2022 - 4:14
Iwmml- you don't convince her, you present your love and desire for her polite and adult. Too many here lately are seeming to be in a hurry. It's no different than one's desire for any other woman. Be a gentleman, and let your mother choose you.

wiccanbiker, Unowen17 and redpanda like this post

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Introduction: A young son that wants to love his mother more Empty Re: Introduction: A young son that wants to love his mother more

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