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Jane Doe
Jane Doe
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Location : UK

Petition for consang and poly rights in New Jersey Empty Petition for consang and poly rights in New Jersey

Thu 2 Mar 2017 - 23:01
Star Member
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Petition for consang and poly rights in New Jersey Empty Re: Petition for consang and poly rights in New Jersey

Sun 10 Dec 2023 - 1:01
Hi Jane,

I hope you are well. Thank you for posting about the New Jersey petition. It got over 60 signatures so far.

People are calling for protestors to meet outside the PM's Marrickville office today about Julian Assange. I might go along with the Ciaotannia flag. We'll see. (There was not much notice given). (signed by 786,510 people already) (signed by 71,123 people already)

Considering, 150 UN members, and 13 of 15 members of the security council voted for a ceasefire resolution in Gaza, and the US used its veto to prevent it becoming law, it is pretty obvious that the US is the bad actor here. I am sure everyone is appalled.

Best wishes.

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