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Petition to California Empty Petition to California

Tue 10 Nov 2020 - 2:17
Today I heard that Kamala Harris had been Attorney General in California, and I was worried that my California petition was addressed to the wrong person. So I had to go and check. What a pain! "Uh Oh! The server is misbehaving.." Blah balh. "We're doing our best.." But eventually it worked. Too many people are signing too other petitions I thought.

A few people have signed this petition already, and I am very happy about that. Thanks to all who do sign and pass it on. We're not on the planet a long time, but we try to make it better while we are here:-)


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Petition to California Empty Re: Petition to California

Fri 13 Nov 2020 - 3:01
Is there a uk petition yet?
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Petition to California Empty Re: Petition to California

Fri 13 Nov 2020 - 3:58
Hi Arddon,

I think I did make a petition to the UK, but may have been dissuaded from lodging it to the on-line parliament petition system because they require about 750 million signatures before they will even look at it:-)
I don't seem to have made a petition for England, but if I did, I've lost it amongst all the confusion.
Why don't you write one? My ones have become a bit stale a formulistic just like me:-)
If you wrote one but don't want to submit it yourself, I could do it for you, at least on (They already have all my private information).
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Petition to California Empty Re: Petition to California

Fri 13 Nov 2020 - 23:57
thank you for your reply i dont know what i would write or even where i would start but i would be happy to try write one with help.
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Petition to California Empty Re: Petition to California

Sat 14 Nov 2020 - 0:04
so is it 750 million signatures from people living in the uk only? because if it is we only have 67 million that live in the uk.
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Petition to California Empty Re: Petition to California

Sun 15 Nov 2020 - 1:27

Sorry if you thought I was talking literally when I said 750 million. I was exaggerating - for effect to  sound funny.  I have just fact checked myself:
The  UK  govt petitions website  says, 'If a petition gets 10,000 signatures, the government will respond."

So I  was just a little  bit off:-) Please forgive me.

Somehow,  with the petition I made  on Scottish parliaments e-petition system back in 2016, someone at the parliament leaked to a reporter the fact that a petition was submitted on this subject even before the petition  was accepted  and before I had a chance to  sign it myself or advertise it. The reporter contacted me and I answered some questions by  email. The reporter made up some stuff that I had not said, and as the story got a lot of publicity,  he wanted to do a personal interview with  photos, which I refused. But after that, there have been several more petitions to Scotland, that have also not had any publicity until until after they are rejected by the Public Petitions Committee and I have had no replies from the original reporter when I advised him of  new petitions being sent. And of course the Scottish parliament had a new rule that one cannot submit a petition on the same subject more than three times. ( I am  not sure if they will ban petitions on that  subject made  by other people). petitions are a lot easier to make, with few rules. Length is up to  you, but there is a maximum  of several pages I think. It is  best to make  your own text version first and only when it is finished, copy and paste it to the site..  (which can suddenly  slow down and freeze, causing  a lot of angst and worry when you lose work that took a lot of time). Be prepared, by having your own  copy saved and ready so you can  try again.

Feel free to ask questions if you need help with this  project.
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Petition to California Empty Re: Petition to California

Sun 15 Nov 2020 - 1:57
thank you for the reply i understand now
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Petition to California Empty Re: Petition to California

Mon 16 Nov 2020 - 0:23
Thank you for bringing the whole matter to my attention.
Since you mentioned it I have though again about a British petition.

Yesterday I looked at the UK parliament's e-petition site and learned that there maximum length petition is only about 150 words, and you have to get 5 signatures from UK people before they will register it. But the site works very well.

I tested it with a short petition on 'Basic Minimum Income' and it created a page with a link to send to family and friends to get signatures:


I’ve made a petition – will you sign it?

I need 5 people to sign this to get started ( best with UK citizenship). Can you help please? They made me cut it shorter so it is not smooth reading but it has the basics:-) Sorry.


(Hope you are well).



Click this link to sign the petition:
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Petition to California Empty Re: Petition to California

Thu 19 Nov 2020 - 0:51
hi i have signed the petition
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Petition to California Empty Re: Petition to California

Thu 19 Nov 2020 - 1:38
Thank you Arddon! Cheers!
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Petition to California Empty E-petition to the UK Parliament meets target

Mon 23 Nov 2020 - 23:51
The petition to the UK Parliament was co-signed by the required 5 people and is now being checked. Thanks to those who signed and attempted to sign. This checking stage is normally up to several weeks but could take months under COVID19 conditions apparently. If the petition meets the requirements and passes all the tests, it will go on-line, and then we have another hurdle ( get 21 signatures before it gets tested again). Bureaucracies are good at making red tape.'Недобросовестное затягивание дела или решения какого-н. вопроса, а также медленное течение дела, осложняемое выполнением мелких формальностей, излишней перепиской и т. п."
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Petition to California Empty Re: Petition to California

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